How to Cancel Nationwide Smartmiles

Nationwide Smartmiles is also known as

  • Nationwide Smartmiles

About Nationwide Smartmiles

Nationwide SmartMiles is a car insurance plan that targets drivers who use their vehicles less frequently. Unlike traditional car insurance, which generally charges a flat rate, SmartMiles calculates premiums based on how much you drive. The insurance cost is split into two components: a fixed base premium, which remains constant each month, and a variable portion that depends on your driving habits. This variable part of the premium is influenced by the distance you drive, as recorded through a tracking device or your vehicle’s built-in system. Participants in the SmartMiles program have two options for monitoring their driving: either by using a small device provided by Nationwide or through their car’s existing connectivity features. The tracking device is plugged into the car’s onboard diagnostics port and sends data about your driving to Nationwide. Alternatively, if you have a compatible Ford or Lincoln vehicle from 2018 or later, you can use the car’s internal system to transmit driving information directly. Most cars manufactured after 1996 are eligible for this program, but there are limitations. Certain types of vehicles, such as hybrids and diesel engines, may not be compatible with the device. This could impact your ability to fully participate in the program. Managing a SmartMiles insurance policy involves using an online portal to review driving data and adjust to the variable portion of the premium. Users need to engage with this platform to monitor how their driving impacts their insurance costs. This method of insurance links the cost more closely to actual driving behavior rather than relying on a uniform rate. Overall, SmartMiles requires ongoing interaction with its digital tools to ensure the accuracy of the driving data collected and the corresponding insurance charges. This approach shifts the insurance cost calculation from a fixed rate to one that reflects individual driving patterns.

Nationwide Smartmiles CANCEL GUIDES

Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Using your phone, call 1-855-241-9720
  2. Tell the representative that you’d like to cancel
  3. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  4. Make sure that you won’t be charged again by asking the rep explicitly
  5. Retain any confirmation numbers or emails you receive for your records

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. Use your internet browser to visit
  2. Now put in your info where it asks for it
  3. Request cancellation in message box
  4. Hit the link that says send

MORE ABOUT Nationwide Smartmiles

Address 1One Nationwide Plaza
Zip/Postal Code43215
CountryUnited States
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Phone 21-877-669-6877
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